Ten Fun Facts About Me

Since this is my first blog post, I thought I’d introduce myself. Based on what’s listed on my website, I’m sure you know that I’m an etiquette consultant. I offer professional services to help people reach their goals, but I wanted to share a few things about myself that aren’t on my about me page. If you stick around, you’ll see some of these expanded on in future blog posts.

  1. Going to concerts is one of my hobbies. I’ve been to over 20 concerts.

  2. Martin is my favorite TV show. I quote Martin every single day.

  3. I have a long travel bucket list. I would love to explore as many new places as possible.

  4. I love painting and coloring. It’s my favorite way to de-stress.

  5. I haven’t had a perm since I was 19. I’m team natural and proud.

  6. I’d like to learn how to play an instrument. Maybe the piano, guitar or drums.

  7. I hate roller coasters. Don’t try to convince me to get on one.

  8. Food is very important to me. I eat every 3-4 hours in order to avoid being hangry.

  9. I love dressing up. I’d choose a dress over jeans any day.

  10. Writing makes me feel free! I’m a little nervous about starting a blog, but I love writing so it should be fun. I hope you enjoy!

I'm excited to share more posts with you!

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Struggles After Graduating From College