What Does Pariss Michelle Do?

To answer that question, I do a lot. I’m always thinking of a master plan. I can’t help it. For most of my adult life, I worked two jobs. It took me a while but I realized making time for self-care is just as important as making money.


For the last two years, I wrote a “10 Fun Facts About Me” posts in January. This year, I want to start 2020 highlighting my services. This is the current list of what I do and details to support why you should hire me!

Etiquette Consultant and Career Coach

I love all things related to professional development. If you read the about me page, you know that I’ve always had a passion for etiquette. In the summer of 2018, I earned my Corporate Etiquette Training Certification from the American School of Protocol in Atlanta, Georgia. Email me if you want to host an etiquette workshop, need a new resume, want to do a mock interview or a video resume.


I’ve been in love with art for as long as I can remember. I recently started doing portraits featuring the Charlotte skyline. If you’d like a custom painting, I got you.

MixxedFit Instructor

In an effort to focus on my fitness goals, I joined a new gym and took a MixxedFit class. I had never heard of it before but I loved it! I spoke to the instructor about it and she asked if I was interested in teaching. I signed up training as soon as the link dropped. I’m currently looking for opportunities to body roll and booty pop!

Social Media Manager

I started my social media career with an internship with Procter and Gamble as a junior in college. Believe it or not, I’ve been doing social media longer than Instagram has been a platform. I volunteered as a social media coordinator for Girl Talk Foundation, Inc. for three years in addition to many other internships before doing social media full-time. If you need a social media campaign, I can whip one up in no time.

That’s all I have for now. This list will probably grow so I’ll keep you updated. Contact me if you’d like more details on pricing. I look forward to doing business with you.

P.S. I wouldn’t be a great entrepreneur without recognizing the ones that helped me. Shoutout to Ariel for doing my make-up and Vika Photography for the photos. If you’d like their contact information I will be happy to share. Tell them I sent you!

Charlotte Restaurant Bucket List

Ways to Prepare for the New Year