If You’re Looking for Me, I’m Outside

As a career-oriented woman, I talk a lot about my goals. I’ve always spent most of my time focusing on work and school. I’m done with school for a bit before I start conducting interviews to continue my research. Since I have this break, my summer goal is to have fun. 

If you wait on people or wait for the perfect time to do something, you’ll find yourself waiting longer than you should. In the spring, I started attending networking events and meeting some great people. Now, I’m out and about with new friends, and this is exactly what I needed. I didn’t want to spend another year not trying new restaurants, attending events, and exploring the city. 

So far, I’ve been working out more, hanging out more, prioritizing sleep, and, most importantly, learning how not to feel guilty for putting myself first. Guilt is something I’ve struggled with for as long as I can remember, and I never figured out why. But for some reason, I won’t think twice about putting myself out for my loved ones. On the contrary, when it comes to doing something just for my benefit, I feel like I’m doing something wrong. 

It’s starting to become easier! I’ve worked hard, and I can honestly say that I deserve to be out and enjoy life. Don’t we all? I’m grateful for all of the growth I’ve made in my education, career, and, in general, on a personal level. There’s nothing wrong with celebrating accomplishments and having a blast while doing it. I’m proud of myself for getting to this point, and I hope I can keep it up. 

Pariss Posing in a Yellow Dress

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All About That Data