Zoomin to School - How to Manage Online Classes

Who would have thought we’d all end up here? Online. Prior to COVID-19, you may or may not have taken a class online. After COVID-19, we all know what it’s like to take courses online. We now know what it’s like to do literally everything online. Most of us are ordering groceries and picking them up, using curbside pick up, and even hosting events with family and friends through electronic devices. 

If you think school being virtual is a lot to keep up with, you’re not alone. It’s definitely been an adjustment. Not just for you, for your professors as well. We’re all trying to get used to this new “norm” in the midst of a global pandemic. So don’t feel discouraged. 

Even though we’re all hoping that this is temporary and we will eventually go back to normal, some of our new virtual practices will remain the same. Here are some pointers on how to manage online classes now and beyond.

  1. Plan Ahead If Possible: First things first, get a planner. If you’re not a planner person, use something to help keep up with assignments and due dates. You don’t want to wait until the last minute to get things done. Give yourself plenty of time to read the required materials and complete your work so that you’re not stressed out or having to ask for extensions on assignments.

  2. Treat It Like an In-Person Class: You don’t have to actually make an effort to get to an online class but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make an effort to actively participate. Turn your camera on, ask questions, give feedback, and respond to more than one post in your discussion boards. All of these practices will help you feel like you’re not so detached from your professor and classmates. 

  3. Change Your Environment: If you have a set place to study or log-in to your synchronous classes, switch it up! Sitting in the same corner of the same room at the same desk will get mundane, quickly. Utilize a different spot at home or in your residence hall to give yourself a different perspective. Try going outside or somewhere off-campus. Rember to wear your mask and practice social distancing if you take that route.

  4. Develop and Focus on Your Goals: Before you start a new course think about what you hope to accomplish. Write down your goals and stick with them. Periodically check in with yourself and or your accountability partner, to make sure you’re on the right track.

  5. Schedule Time to Study: Online classes will push you to be more independent. It’s up to you to stay on top of your studies. Don’t rely on class time or the due date for an assignment to do so. Put scheduled study times on your calendar. This will help with time management. Don’t procrastinate or ignore those calendar alerts. Take it seriously and get it done.

  6. Reward Yourself: All study and no play is no fun. Since you’re scheduling time to devote to your classes, you should also add in time to have fun and decompress. Celebrate all of your wins! Treat yourself after you’ve submitted an assignment, spent a certain amount of time studying, or earned an excellent grade. 

  7. Avoid Distractions: This one is tough but it is essential to your success. Since your classes are online, not only do you have access to your work, you have access to the whole worldwide web. As hard as it may be, don’t check your social media or visit your favorite websites unless you’re on a study break, or after you’ve completed your work. If you’re sharing a space with someone else, invest in headphones, or find a quiet place to get away from distractions.

  8. Connect With Your Peers: The biggest loss when it comes to online classes is human interaction. If you meet someone in your class who you’d like to connect with, set up a virtual study meeting! You could be making a life-long friend. Don’t miss out on opportunities to network. 

Most importantly, give yourself grace. Online classes can be a struggle if you’ve never taken them before. Once you get the hang of it, it will come naturally to you. The best thing to do in times like this is to have a positive attitude. Who knows? Maybe you’ll grow to love online classes. But until you make your decision, do your best and work as hard as you can to push through it. You got this!

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