Wait, Let Me Explain...

If you’ve noticed the dates on these posts, you know it’s been a while since I’ve shared anything. To be clear, I’ve been writing. I just haven’t been posting. I’ve also been researching, dealing with personal issues, changing jobs, and binge-watching all of my shows.

Deciding to go back to school and making a career shift have taken up much of my time in the last few years. However, nothing will take away the love I have for writing. I’ll admit, it feels a little unproductive to write without many readers. As a writer, the goal is to share your thoughts and hopefully connect with and inspire others. I recently gained a new perspective. Writing isn’t just for the person who decides to read it. It’s for me.

Carefully organizing my words gives me an adrenaline rush, and it has since I was nine years old. In the fourth grade, I realized writing was “my thing,” even if others don’t like it, I love my work. And I have to if I want anyone else to consider it. I’ve always dreamed of writing books, working for a well-known magazine, and spending hours at my desk drinking coffee, trying to submit my next article by the deadline.

I work remotely, I’m not in the writing field, and I’m not too fond of coffee. I prefer tea. But I still have something to say and contribute to the world for whoever is interested. Still, it starts with me, so I’ve set different goals for myself in the new year to keep up with this passion of mine. I’m unsure where it will lead, but I know it gives me a much-needed outlet. Writing makes me happy, and it’s about time I do more of what makes me happy.

Stay tuned.

The Writing Inspiration I Needed

Zoomin to School - How to Manage Online Classes